The Parish Council is composed of ten elected members of the local community who serve a 4-year fixed term of office. The next elections will be held in May 2027.
All members belong to at least one of the defined committees. There are two committees, Planning and Highways, Transportation & Environment.
The aim of the Parish Council is to improve the quality of life for all those who live and work in Claygate, whilst preserving its unique character as a warm, caring and sustainable village community.
Claygate Parish Council was first formed in 2000 and elections were held in May of that year. Brian Rhodes, the founding Chairman, was the initial driving force that brought the council into being, together with other members of the then 'Claygate Village Residents Association'
The Parish Clerk, who is a salaried employee, is responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Parish Council, in connection with its function as a Local Authority, are carried out.
One of the most important areas of the Council's work relates to planning and the Planning Committee meets every 4 weeks. Although it has no power to either grant or refuse planning permission, as these powers reside with Elmbridge Borough Council, it has the right to be consulted on all planning applications in the Village and to have its comments taken into account.
The Parish Council provides extra gardening services to the 'Old Village Green' along with 5 other Highway Garden sites in the Village over and above Surrey County Council’s Highway Garden Site provision.
The Parish Council contributes funding for the Christmas trees and associated decorations for The Parade and ‘Old Village Green’ and pays for the provision and maintenance of the Summer hanging baskets and panniers
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