Environment, Highways, & Transport Committee

The Environment, Highways, and Transport Committee, comprising both elected Councillors and co-opted members, meets six times a year.

1.Road Safety

To support and promote all aspects of road safety for all users of the roads, including pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, drivers and their passengers within Claygate and into and out of Claygate

  • To support and initiate proposals to reduce the speed of vehicles where appropriate.
  • To ensure there are sufficiently safe and appropriate places for pedestrians to cross Claygates’s roads and that pavements and footpaths are appropriate and well maintained.
  • To promote cycling, the wellbeing of cyclists and to help keep bicycles secure in Claygate’s public places.
  • To promote the wellbeing of horse riders and horses, by maintaining horserides and horse crossings as well as educating drivers about driving near horses.
  • To monitor the volume of traffic which uses Claygate purely as a “rat run” and commuters coming into Claygate to use the railway and to implement measures to reduce such traffic.
  • To enhance driver’s experience coming to Claygate to visit friends and relatives, or to use Claygate’s businesses and amenities.


2.Roads & Other Thoroughfares – Maintenance
  • To monitor the state of repair of all roads and footways within the Parish and adjacent areas; this should cover road surfaces, road markings, gullies, signs (including visibility), street lighting and street naming
  • To monitor the quality of existing footpaths, cycle ways and bridleways within the Village and locality, to critically examine any proposals for their closure, and to assess the need for new ones.
  • To monitor the verges of roads in Claygate, including the adequacy of cutting grass and the trimming of adjoining banks, foliage and trees to preserve sightlines and footway widths.


3.Roads & Other Thoroughfares - Changes
  • To critically examine all proposals for new roads within the vicinity of Claygate.
  • To critically examine any plans for the widening or restricting of any road that might cause increased traffic density on roads in or approaching Claygate


  • To reduce illegal on-street parking, intrusive parking and encourage use of car parks.
  • To resist all attempts to introduce charged controlled street car parking. 
  • To challenge proposals that would significantly increase the charges for off-street parking. 


5.Public Transport
  • To work for the improvement, maintenance and increased use of buses and trains for residents and for people visiting Claygate.


6.Outside Bodies
  • To monitor the work of the public utility companies within the highways
  • To determine whether we are getting value for money for the highway services being carried out by Elmbridge Borough Council, Surrey County Council or any other body. Where other bodies are directly responsible for services the Parish Council can only seek to influence those bodies.  If not, to consider the possibility and viability of assuming responsibility for those services which are falling below standard and are in the remit of the powers of a Parish Council.


7. Village Greens and Green Spaces
  • To preserve and maintain the Village Green, Meadow Road Island and ensure that all other existing open spaces and Greens within the Village are protected.
  • To encourage the sensitive management of open spaces and road verges.
  • To promote good management of trees, hedgerows, woodlands, streams, ponds and other natural features.
  • To encourage the management and protection of flora and fauna.


8. Highway Garden Sites and flower beds
  • To oversee the maintenance of the Surrey County Council Highway Garden Sites by Claygate Parish Council’s contractor as detailed in Schedule 2 of the CPC/HGS Contractor Contract.
  • To assist and encourage the maintenance of village flowerbeds.
  • To ensure the effectiveness and value for money of services being provided Claygate Parish Council’s contractor


9. Vandalism, Graffiti, Litter and Pollution
  • To work for a reduction in the levels of vandalism, graffiti, litter and pollution.
  • To encourage the recycling of resources whenever practicable.


10. Environmental issues
  • To assist and encourage the maintenance of common land in and around Claygate for the recreational use and enjoyment of the public.
  • To keep residents informed and aware of local environmental issues.
  • To respond to public consultation on environmental issues which affect Claygate.

Reviewed, amended September 2019 (combined Environment, Highways, and Transport Committee remits)
Reviewed September 2020. No amends made.
Web accessibility Checked Sept 2020
Reviewed May 2021. No amends made.
Reviewed Oct 2022. Amends to Section 8 made.

Jan 2023. Amends to Section 4 made.