Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that the Local Planning Authority (LPA), Elmbridge Borough Council (EBC) is able to charge on new building development, based on policy laid down by the Government. CIL was introduced in EBC in 2013.
For development in Claygate that meets policy, originally (from April 2013 to September 2015), 25% of the amount raised in Claygate was paid direct to Claygate Parish Council (CPC). The guidelines changed in 2015. CPC would still receive 25%, but 60% of the 25% was paid direct to CPC and the remaining 40% of the 25% was retained by EBC on behalf of CPC, available on request by CPC with the approval of EBC. In June 2017, EBC determined that it would only pass on 15% of CIL raised from then on. The remaining amount of CIL from Claygate not passed direct to CPC is retained by EBC and along with CIL raised across all other settlements in the Borough is/can be utilised on strategic infrastructure projects across the Borough.
CPC receives any CIL from EBC on a backdated 6 month period. The monies are allowed to accrue and to be spent on community projects within the Village that would not normally be covered by the precept.
Receipts of CIL by CPC are listed in the accounts as CIL receipts and are an earmarked reserve until they are spent. If they are not spent within 5 years of receipt they may be refundable to EBC.
Below are the receipts that have been received by Claygate Parish Council to date:
1 st April 2013 - 30th September 2013 : Nil
1 st October 2013 - 31st March 2014 : Nil
1 st April 2014 - 30th September 2014 : £4,453.00
1 st October 2014 - 31st March 2015 : £2,821.00
1 st April 2015 - 30th September 2015 : Nil
1 st October 2015 - 31st March 2016 : £6,214.00 (plus £4,142.67 retained by EBC for CPC)*
1 st April 2016 - 30th September 2016 : £3,213.78 (plus £2,142.85 retained by EBC for CPC)*
1 st October 2016 - 31st March 2017 : £1,178.17 (plus £ 785.45 retained by EBC for CPC)*
1 st April 2017 - 30th September 2017 : Nil 1 st October 2017 - 31st March 2018 : £63,860.17
1 st April 2018 - 30th September 2018: £11,267.00
1 st October 2018 - 31st March 2019: £ 957.32
1 st April 2019 - 30th September 2019: Nil
1 st October 2019 - 31st March 2020: £20,739.05
1 st April 2020 – 30th September 2020: Nil
1 st October 2020 – 31st March 2021: £20,787.31
1 st April 2021 - 30th September 2021: Nil
1 st October 2021 - 31st March 2022: Nil
1 st April 2022 – 30th September 2022: Nil
1st October 2022 - 31st March 2023: £74,108.22
1st April 2023 - 30th September 2023: Nil
Total CIL receipts since inception through to 31st March 2024 : £263,590.36
(*In January 2018, CPC requested that EBC pay it the £7,069.97 which it was retaining on behalf of CPC, which it did and EBC no longer holds any retained CIL funds due to CPC. These monies are included on the total receipts).
CPC have made thirteen payments to date utilising CIL funds:
-£15,000 in May 2017, to Claygate Recreation Ground Trust (CRGT) to contribute to the rebuilding of the clubhouse.
-£ 8,000 in March 2018, to 1st Claygate Scouts to contribute to the extension to the Scout Centre in Oaken Lane.
-£4,661.88 in March 2018, to Surrey County Council for lighting safety improvements at the pedestrian crossing on Hare Lane.
-£9,000 in July 2019 to 1st Claygate Scouts to further contribute to the extension to the Scout Centre in Oaken Lane.
- £13,500 in May 2020, to Claygate Village Hall Association (CVHA), towards the planned upgrading of the Village Hall toilets.
- £744.51 in May 2020, to Claygate Recreation Ground Trust (CRGT) to return the CPC portion of the CIL charged by EBC made under 2019/0589 CRGT Planning Application for the Claygate Cricket Pavilion.
- £18,150 in January 2021 to Claygate Youth and Community Hub to refurbish the Kitchen at the Elm Youth Centre building and for the purchase of Grounds equipment.
- £12,500 in June 2021 to Claygate Recreation Ground Trust towards the creation of a Family Garden and a new pathway between the Claygate Cricket Pavilion and Dalmore Avenue.
- £35,000 approved in March 2019 to Claygate Primary School (CPS) towards the planned improvement to their outdoor swimming pool was paid in July 2021 upon the project being granted planning permission.
- £3,025 in December 2021 to Capelfield Surgery towards Surgery accessibility improvements.
- £2,373 approved in October 2022 towards a piece of Playground equipment to go to Elmbridge Borough Council for the Claygate Recreation Ground Playground as a gift to mark the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee
-£2,965 paid in March 2023 to Claygate Primary School (CPS) towards a canopy for the new Community Pool Building.
-£10,679 paid into Claygate Village Hall Association (CVHA) towards new curtains and chairs for the Village Hall.
-£50,000 set aside and to be paid to Claygate Community Benefit Society (CCBS) once the remainder of funds are raised for The Winning Horse Project
BALANCE UNALLOCATED CPC CIL FUNDS @ 31st December 2024 is £77,991.97